Friday, March 30, 2012

best beaches

we are trying to decide if we should stay in Oahu (where we have been already once) or in Kauai. We are leaning about 95% towards Kauai, and I was wondering what is the best swimming beach on the island? There are two couples going on this trip and the guys want to hang out on a great beach close to the hotel (if possible), while us girls do lots of sightseeing!!! Also do you see alot of whales here in early/mid april or will we be to late?

best beaches

You are going to be a bit late for whales, but it is possible that you might spot one.

In April, I would think the south shore might suit you. The Hyatt is the best hotel, but the beach there is not usaually swimmable. The Sheraton is on a better beach. If you decide dnot to do a hotel , there are also other beach options. Many good beaches in Kauai do not have hotels or condos on them, but there are homes or cottages to rent.

best beaches

I certainly would head to Kauai--island of lush green valleys, waterfalls clinging to cliffs and beaches that are much less crowded than in the Waikiki area of Oahu. Whale season is about over in mid-Apri so chances are you won%26#39;t see many at all. If you are looking for hotels that are on swimming beaches, you might want to try the Sheraton in Poipu or the Marriott on Kalapaki Bay. The North Shore may still get a wee bit more rain than the south in April, however, the Sheraton Princeville has some of the most beautiful scenery on island.

Hifan ! have received accurate information on swimming beaches, if you want to stay at a hotel or condo , you must understand that we do not have lots and lots of hotels and condos on our swimmable beaches. thank the big Kahuna for that !

However, on the south shore, totally agree with the Sheraton, and Kiahuna Platation.and the Waiohai....wonderful beach, and swimming, surfing, and also.snorkeling at poipu....just a minute or two walk away. Then next to poipu is brenneckes for boogie boarding.

Piopu beach park has bbq%26#39;s, park benches, and pavilions for picnics , or any kind of get together.

Kuhio Shores ( condos )next to the beach house, has a small beach but the best snorkeling. Surfing, boogie boarding,andswimming and just getting some sun is all right there.

Whales , are probably not going to be around, but you never know, you could spot a couple of straglers in may, they are pretty much gone.

North shore ( Princeville ) in april still might have some larger swells, that might make it a little tuff.....for swimming.....but you might luck out a few days.

POIPU : Also, there is scuba diving, horseback riding, ATV adventures, Gof, tennis, Spouting Horn, Allerton tropical botanical gardens, shopping at the poipu shopping village, and koloa town, and a bit further the Trading Post on Koloa rd, and the main hwy. Plus neat places to eat, and have a grand visit.


Can you really have too many.....

Bathing Suits, flip flops, tube tops and shorts for Hawaii??? I am getting razzed from my other traveling companions. I will be in Maui for eight days. I have three bikini%26#39;s and one one-piece suit, more flip flops than I can count, and more tube tops and halters than I care to mention. Okay, so I went overboard, I fully admit this. But, since I am a small size, it will all fit in a medium size suitcase with room to spare. So what is the big deal? Can a woman have too many snazzy outfits?

Thanks for reading this rambling! I am just way to excited for my upcoming first trip. Having been reading this board for YEARS, I feel pretty confident that most of my questions are answered. I mean, I know where the best lava flow is served, where to avoid renting a car from, whether I should wax or shave my legs, the best snorkeling place for my daughter, the recipe for the perfect vacation day, tipping the maid is controversial, and so on. All that is left is fashion advise ;)

Can you really have too many.....

Hey are finally going eh?

The short answer is my lovely bride could have as many suits and flops as she wants (she doesn%26#39;t but that is here choice).

For me, I pack my suit I bought at an ABC a bazzillion years ago on our first visit...I will stop at the first ABC I see and get a pair of rubber ';slippahs'; which I will leave behind when we come back home. Few pair of shorts, few shirts and underwear, my shave kit and I am god to go.

Can you really have too many.....

If it all fits and you don%26#39;t mind hauling it around, then go for it.

You will want the swimsuits just so you can have a fresh one. As for all the clothes, I think you will find that Hawaii is not really fashion central. It is a laid-back place where the same flipflops (slippers in Hawaii) and a casual tshirt and pair of shorts will be the norm ... not too much fru fru, dress up, try to be the cutest on the beach. But if that%26#39;s your personality, then go for it! I am a really light packer and I always end up with stuff I don%26#39;t use. I am working on getting lighter, just b/c I hate to lug stuff around.

BB: Yep, FINALLY! I am so excited!

Kona: Ya, I figured it was similar to Oahu. I packed way too much each time I have been there. But having lost some weight, and being as slim as I was in high school, I had to have some excuse for all the cute little purchases! :)

Lisa, bring what you want, but remember to save some room so you could buy cute stuff while there. %26lt;wave%26gt;

as i recall one of this forums best posters addictedtomaui brought 13 bathing suits???? :) ,countless flipflops,so bring%26#39;em all and buy a few more to!!

don- I knew addicted would get this! She will also understand my endless nordstrom addiction as well. ;)

In case Lisa hasn%26#39;t been around enough to notice I feel obligated to tell her that ';addictedtomaui'; is none other than our dear Hula. So the numbers make sense, yes?

It%26#39;s about time you finally made it to Maui! I am working on a trip next Jan for a signifcant birthday .....

And you%26#39;ve been on my mind...we went to GCC now called Horizon...took the black sheep child and her boyfriend. Kenny was amazing. I kept looking around in case you were there!

Happy trails LIsa and Lisa jr!

whoops, guess LIsa knew that already...hence the Nordstrom mention.

Way to go Chico. Let the cat out of the bag why don%26#39;t you (insert poking emoticon here)

LOL. I actually had it figured out quite some time ago and hazarded a guess as to why (although, I could be wrong on that).

Chico: I have been meaning to email you for the last week or so. Just finished up school and have been playing catch up on so many half-finished projects, but I promise to email you soon!

Jazz festival and food festival Anyone Gone?

We are going to the HIlton on Konas jazz festival on the 16th of June. Has anyone been and tell me what to expect. Is there an extra cost for the food and wine besides the ticket entrance fee. I appreciate your help. I think it is called Dolphin Days

Jazz festival and food festival Anyone Gone?


I have never been to Dolphin Days but I have heard great things, this year it is on my Husbands birthday, thanks to your post I now have something new to do with him.

I did find some on line info:

Dolphin Days on June 22 - 25,

Dolphin Days is an annual weekend festival of events inspired by the playful dolphins at the Hilton Waikoloa Village Dolphin Quest* Learning Lagoon and is designed to benefit two local charity organizations through contributions of time and money. This star-studded benefit festival champions the causes of Hawaii Shriners Hospitals for Children and the Pacific Marine Life Foundation, two charities that help us to realize the importance of celebrating life.

This year%26#39;s headliners to the Saturday event are Rick Braun and Jeffery Osborne.

There is a web site you can get to using key words Dolphin Days Hawaii

I am sure someone has been and will update us, as soon as my fellow Hawaiians wake up I will ask around for us.

Jazz festival and food festival Anyone Gone?

OPS had the wrong dates, looked at last years dates

2007 dates are:

June 14 to 17, 2007!

sorry ;o(

I looked at the web site. I get the impression that teh Saturday night event fee covers the food etc as well as the music. There proably are food stations scattered around?

Waikoloa Dolphin Days Food & WIne Event June 15th

Looking at the web site, I see that there is a food %26amp; wine event on Friday, June 15th. For fans of the Bravo Channel%26#39;s show, ';Top Chef, '; I point out that the meal will feature Marcel (the ';foam guy';) a runner up from the recent season. Reervationa are thru the Hilton%26#39;s dining reservations--it runs from 6-10 pm and tickets cost $125 before June 10 or so and $150 after.

Dolphin Days events benefit charity according to the web site.

Waikoloa Dolphin Days Food %26amp; WIne Event June 15th

That does look fun Honau Ohana. I noticed on June 16, 2007 - Saturday ';The Great Waikoloa Food, Wine %26amp; Music Festival. Over two dozen of Hawaii%26#39;s most talented chefs will prepare culinary specialties, paired with a wide selection of fine wines, boutique brews and spirits. World-class jazz entertainers keep the audience on their feet ...';

Palace Lawn 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. $125 per adult and $75 per child (5-12 years of age) through June 10, 2007. After June 10, tickets are $150

Entertainment Book 2007 any good?

Anyone out there have this book for 2007 - mentioned often about PCC coupon, but in looking at listing on entertainment book website - don%26#39;t see this one? Worth while to get this?

Entertainment Book 2007 any good?

I just received my book two weeks ago and plan on using many coupons next week. There is a coupon for PCC. It is, buy one get one, up to a $40 value. We purchased the Alii luau for $80 per person and we will receive a credit of $40 when we arrive. We also be using the Paradise Cove and Sea Life coupons. Very good value if you plan on using several of the coupons.

Entertainment Book 2007 any good?

I found the entertainment book to be a great deal. I used coupons for the USS Missouri (50% off admission), dole plantation (buy 1 get 1 free pineapple whips) and a bunch of restaurants. It%26#39;s really useful if you%26#39;re staying at the Hilton Hawaiian Village, as a lot of restaurants in the book are either in the resort itself, or very close by. I saved somewhere around $150 using the entertainment book on my trip. There%26#39;s more coupons for Oahu than anything else, but we did use at least one coupon on Maui during our trip.

  • blushed
  • microsoft
  • Staying at Hyatt- Question About Beach Chairs

    We are planning on staying at the Hyatt for our honeymoon and February. Now, I understand there is a limited beach right in front of the Hyatt. We are not really play on the beach sort of people, but we do enjoy grabbing a chair and a book and listening to/watching the ocean. Is this possible to do at the Hyatt? Or is it possible for us to go down to the Sheraton or Westin and grab a chair on the beach there? Thanks!

    Staying at Hyatt- Question About Beach Chairs

    Unless you rent a chair from the Westin or Sheraton, you won%26#39;t have a chair in their beach (there are no %26#39;free%26#39; chairs on the beach in front of these hotels for non-guests). Even at that, I%26#39;ve HEARD non-guests can rent chairs at the Sheraton and Westin, but I%26#39;m guessing registered guests get first dibs, and they go fast.

    Can%26#39;t answer your question about the Hyatt beach.

    Theft at the Beach

    I have heard that anything and everything will get stolen while at the beach. I will take extra precausions for cell phone, wallet, purse etc. but is a towel and other things okay to be left alone?

    Theft at the Beach

    It should be, but my husband has had his slippers stolen while he was surfing, so you never know.

    Theft at the Beach

    Well first off I have never heard that, are you talking about Waikiki, or more remote places?

    I never take things like cellphone, wallet or purse to the beach... only a beach basket with just a towel, water, magazine, sunglasses and a small coin purse with money for lunch. No one has ever bothered anything of mine on Waikiki. It%26#39;s pretty crowded so there are lots of people around most everywhere.

    Now if you are talking someplace more remote, may be different.

    Does anyone have some advice on preventing theft at the beach? From the posts on the forum I have learned not to leave anything in my car, but what should I be doing at the beach?

    Never had anything taken from us at Waikiki before. But if you are there with a group of people, just take turns leaving one or two people on the beach to watch your stuff, while the others swim or surf.

    I%26#39;d never bring anything valuable though. I always have a ziplock bag, put my credit card and room key in it, and put it in the pocket of my board shorts.

    Lindsay8302 -

    You are 100% correct to be careful about theft. It is rampant on the islands - nothing is safe in the car either, not even in the truck. Now, of course, they can not get to all of us as we enjoy Hawaii but they do steal from parked cars all over the isalnds of Oahu and Maui.

    To get great help, just put ';theft'; in the search box in the forum window and read all the great ideas on stashing stuff and also the ';hot spots'; that are worse than others for theft.

    This is a major problem that is discussed all the time on the forums, especially the Maui forum. Go to that forum and do the same seach for even more ideas.


    The best and fool-proof advice for how to prevent theft at the beach... is not to take anything of value with you.

    Let%26#39;s be reasonable. Theft is not rampant on the Waikiki beaches I know. !!!!! We recently returned from our 11th visit and we have NEVER seen or heard of this problem. At the Groin or on Sans Souci Beach where we go, it is enough to tell somebody sitting next to you when you go swimming, particularly on Sans Souci which is a nice family beach (and the same would apply to Kailua). Of course North Shore beaches are different and we%26#39;ve been warned about the beaches up to Makaha and beyond (car break-ins do occur we are told). It is even dangerous to go to beaches frequented by homeless people (a young man from the mainland was recently murdered (in Waianae I think) because he wanted to camp on the beach). There are perfectly nice homeless people driven to the beaches by high rents but this murderer had a history of mental illness. In any case--as in any touristy place--it is better to go to the more ';affluent'; neighbourhoods--sad as this may be. Never leave valuable objects for all to see in any case--tempting someone is to my mind more morally reprehensible than the commission of theft. Have a safe enjoyable trip to this most beautiful of places.

    When we park at the North Shore beaches we always leave the car open and window down and take everything. Never had a problem.

    I have left a towel and flip flops and a hat on the beach at Waikiki unattended dozens a times for a couple hours at a time and never had a problem, but I aways wear the cheap ABC ones so if someone toook them it would not be a big deal.

    Theft is something to be aware of and you should not leave things in your car or a valuables at the beach, but it is nothing that will be a problem if you use precaution.

    Where would you stay for 3 nights in HNL

    Looking at a Tuedsay flight arriving about 2PM. Want a place close to good eats that are not to terribly expensive. Thought on Wed, just mostly hanging out at the hotel pool. Then on Thursday wanted to go to Arizona Memorial and then maybe siteseeing or shopping. Friday we are going to Maui for a week in a condo. Any suggestions on where to stay? Where to eat? What to see after the Memorial. It is so mindboggling. ANy help would be appreciated

    Where would you stay for 3 nights in HNL

    Aloha Deb,

    with a limited amount of time on Oahu, it%26#39;s probably best to stay in the Waikiki area. A good, budget hotel is the Ocean Resort. It%26#39;s about half a block from the beach and is less than half the cost of beachfront hotels.

    Go early morning to the Arizona Memorial, it gets busy.......if you rented a car for the day, you could head up to the North Shore for the me you%26#39;ll love it up there....and could stop at the Dole plantation on the way back. It%26#39;s super easy to navigate the island on your own by car.

    There are lots of great shops and restaurtants in Waikiki or you can also hop on a trolley that will take you to Hilo Hattie or the Aloha Tower Market place.

    Enjoy your holiday!


    Where would you stay for 3 nights in HNL

    Actually waikiki is pretty simple, it is not that big of a place so it is easy to walk from end to end, no one just stays at their hotel (except those Halekulani people) so don%26#39;t get too hung up on where you stay. Plenty of shopping from high end to trinkets.

    In Waikiki most people go to the beach, pools aren%26#39;t that great. Maui is the place for the splashy pools.

    If you drive to pearl harbor, just keep going north after to do the circle Island drive, Oahu if very different on the north and east shores, they are some of the most beautiful areas in hawaii.

    Good waikiki activities are Hike to the top of Diamonhead, surfing lessons, outrigger canoe ride, catamaran sail, also waikiki is fabulous for sunset cocktails at the several oceanfront hotels.

    Places to eat- everyone should go to Dukes, make a reservation 5 days in advance and ask for an outside table, also Tikiks, Shorebird or try one of the new restaurants on Beachwalk.

    The best intermediate hotels are ResortQuest Waikiki Beach Hotel, Pacific Beach Hotel, Princess Kaiulani Hotel, or for a small hotel with gonzo views the Resortquest Waikiki Circle.

    Four Seasons construction/arrive 6/15-6/20

    We%26#39;re debating on whether to book the FS after reading about the construction that appears to be going on. I am travelling with a good friend and both our daughters and want this to be a really special trip (it%26#39;s been a difficult year). Any advice on room requests if we stay at FS? GW full. Fairmont full. Have never been to Wailea and would appreciate advice. Am willing to spend whatever it takes to make this trip memorable. Thanks!

    Four Seasons construction/arrive 6/15-6/20

    Maybe you are set on Wailea, but if not, you could always try Kaanapali. Don%26#39;t know about availability, but The Sheraton, Westin and Hyatt are all very, very nice and consistently get raves here on TA. The pools, particularly at the Westin, are spectacular and very fun. Plus, you would be within walking distance of Whaler%26#39;s Village for the girls, and also much closer to Lahaina, which has fun shopping and plenty of restaurant options.

    Just an alternative if you decided you don%26#39;t want to deal with construction at the FS.

    Four Seasons construction/arrive 6/15-6/20

    Thanks for your reply. Both the Westin and the Sheraton are sold out. Have read extensively about the Hyatt and it sounds just okay - good pools, beach so-so. Sounds like a very busy area. It is only a bit cheaper than the rate we are getting at the FS but that being said, I%26#39;m not opposed to checking it out.

    I%26#39;m a hotel snob and customer service is very important to me. I don%26#39;t think the Hyatt rates well on that. Any other info is always appreciated.

    I can%26#39;t give anything but very high marks for the customer service at the Hyatt Regency. They always go out of their way to help us with anything we ask and we%26#39;ve been there every year since 1982.

    I%26#39;m a construction snob-Why oh why do these resorts have construction on property in peak season!~!!!


    Aloha! I just returened today:( and we stayed at the FS. The construction was very minima. In fact I didn%26#39;t see or hear anything.

    The service there is amazing! The only thing I reccomend is that you get up early to get a pool chair or see if you can reserve one for the week or however long you are there. You won%26#39;t be dissappointed with FS!

    I stayed at the Four Seasons for 4 nights during my honeymoon in the first week of May---simply the best hotel I%26#39;ve ever stayed at, and the construction was barely noticeable. I only noticed it because of some previous postings that I read on Trip Advisor discussing it. I think they are making a real conscious effort to shield their customers from it..

    stay at the FS. There is no better service anywhere on the island. Just stayed there in October and the construction was at it%26#39;s peak and still was not that bad. I don%26#39;t know if your kidding when you say ';money is no object'; but if your not, book a oceanview room in the FS and you couldn%26#39;t do any better. The FS service is out of this world and the rooms are spotless. The food is way overpriced and not that good. The fitness area is the best and the service you get from the beach boys is always over the top.

    Going back the same time you will be there but staying in a condo up on the hill by Joes. Over the crowd at the hotel and just want a little more room.

    The GW is not that nice and has really turned into convention hotel. The Fairmont is nice but the beach out front is not half as good as the one in front of the FS. The Fairmont also nickel and dimes you to death.

    I%26#39;ve been to maui at least 15 times and if staying at a resort the FS is where i stay.

    I just arrived back today and just finished a long review. I actually forgot to mention anything about the construction as it was not intrusive. I heard a little bit of chipping duirng the day and one of the stores was in a temporary location. Seriously this was it, not sure what the other complaints are about. I would call the resort if you are concerned they seem very happy to help and I am sure they will let you know what the schedule is for the week you are considering, We were actually given a letter at check in describing what was being done that week and what to expect.

    BTW this was our second trip in 1.5 years to FS Maui and we loved it!

    My family has stayed at the FS twice during the renovations (Oct 06 and Apr 07) and never felt inconvenienced or bothered in any way. These renovations have been very well planned and the impact on guests has been minimized as much as possible. Contact the FS and ask what specifically will be going on during the period you want to stay then make your decision. In my opinion you can%26#39;t go wrong with this hotel.

    If money is no object, why not book a Wailea Beach Villa Penthouse??

    I don%26#39;t think it gets any better, and you%26#39;ll have an extra 2000 sq ft or so!!

    rental car - van

    I will be coming with our family of six. Where can I get the best deal on a rental van or suv?

    rental car - van

    We were a family of 7, my husband and I and our 5 children and we rented a Mini Van through Thrifty. We found them the cheapest and the van was very new....only had a few hundred miles on it!

    We booked it before we left. We did a google search on car rental on Oahu and came up with a company that is very reasonable.

    Good luck. Hope you and your family have a wonderful time.

    rental car - van

    Are they located at the airport?

    They are off the airport, but do run a shuttle bus every 15-30 minutes. It is on the Nimitz Hwy. At that point the Nimitz runs under the H1.

    Thanks again.

  • cryptoapi vs capicom
  • Turtle Bay Resort

    We are traveling to Oahu in June for five days and moving on to the BI for seven. Was thinking about splitting up our time while on Oahu, three nights at Outrigger on the Beach and two at Turtle Bay Resort. Wondering if anyone had any recent experiences at Turtle Bay and can give any advice as to whether it is worth checking out / checking in at two hotels while on one island.

    Turtle Bay Resort

    Oahu is not that big. I wouldn%26#39;t bother changing hotels. We stayed at Turtle Bay back in Oct %26#39;04 and had a great time. I can%26#39;t compare it to others on the island as it was our first trip but I can say it was a great experience. We loved the North Shore and the grounds and views from the Turtle Bay were excellent. I would definately stay there again.

    Turtle Bay Resort

    Stay in one place on Oahu. As Coastermeister says, Oahu is not they big.

    Also most Outriggers have fifth night free.

    Last year we stayed in Waikiki and ended up driving to the North Shore 4 of those 5 days. Okay the Island is not that big but it%26#39;s not that small either. It%26#39;s a good hours drive there and then back so you%26#39;ll be driving two hours a day.

    We are retuning in Sept. And I thought of doing the same thing as you, splitting the trip between TB in North and Waikiki. Just decided against this because it will be more expensive to do it this way and because I found out that the days I wanted to stay at the TB it would be a full hotel with a big conference going on.

    The drive is a beautiful drive! You will be happy with your Outrigger hotel. Be sure and eat at there Beach House restaurant it is delicious and great for a first night dinner. I also love their pool and the live music in the bar next to the pool.


    Thanks for the responses. After talking it over more with DH, we have decided that driving an hour to the North Shore upon arrival (after a 15 hour flight) would be undesirable, so we%26#39;re going to stay put at Outrigger and do a day trip (or two) up to the North Shore. Thanks again for the responses.

    My wife and I spent two nights at the Turtle Bay Oceanside Cottages at $600/night, thinking we would have a romantic getaway. Instead, we were treated to an Oceanfront Common Area with screaming kids in diapers, guests taking their tables and chairs out onto the Common Area in front of the Ocean to have Pizza Parties while their kids jumped on every hammock and Lounge Chair on the premises... It was a nightmare. The concierges did nothing to stop this, and the owner basically told me they aren%26#39;t responsible for the behavior of guests.

    If you want an unrestricted playground for your kids- great expensive place to do so!

    If you want a romantic getaway- find another place!

    Caveat Emptor!

    See for yourself at: (copy and paste URL):



    My condolences to you and your wife.... and people wonder why some of us on vacation dont want to deal with kids.

    Not a place I would want to stay, not just because it%26#39;s $600 a night (I%26#39;m sorry, but NO hotel is worth $600 a night IMO), but also wouldnt want to stay at a place where the OWNER tells you his hotel isnt responsible for their guests%26#39; behavior. If it werent so sad, it would actually be funny.


    I%26#39;ve stayed at Turtle Bay. Liked it very much, although the price was steep for what it was. I wish there was a lower cost accomodation on the north shore, even if it was just a roadside motel, as long as its clean.

    Keep in mind that the beach at Turtle Bay is public, and anyone can access it. So while the hotel manager could have tried to help in some way, he was theoretically correct in that he can%26#39;t control the behaviour.


    I would agree with you to a point, provided all of the behavior was on the public beach and not on private hotel grounds.

    But if the kids are getting out of hand on hotel property, then IMO, management has the right to tell the parents to keep their children under control.

    Regardless, $600 a night is still too much money for a hotel, unless of course you%26#39;re a millionaire or something LOL :)


    Oh absolutely, if it was on the hotel%26#39;s property, then they absolutely could have done something.

    And I don%26#39;t think I%26#39;d ever spend $600 on a room. It just makes no sense to me.

    For four nights cost at Turtle Bay you could rent a two bedroom cottage on the beach to yourself!

  • blushed
  • Condo/Townhouse Rental

    I will be traveling to Kauai in January to attend a conference at the Grand Hyatt. There will be a total of 5 of us- four adults (two married couples) and a 10 month old at the time of the trip. Can anyone recommend a rental condo that would be close to the the Hyatt as well as still being somewhat near the water? I%26#39;m hoping to stay for 7 nights in the $1000-1200 range if possible. Thanks.

    Condo/Townhouse Rental

    Aloha! Have you checked out vrbo for those possibilities or were you looking for specific recommendations? Here is their website - they have lots listed for the Poipu area: Hope that helps get you started. :)

    Condo/Townhouse Rental

    Kiahuna Plantation

    Nihi Kai


    Thank you to you both for your fast responses. I checked out several sites, including the ones you mentioned. It seems like a daunting task to look at the dozens and dozens of listings to try and guess which would work out the best. I guess you look for a condo rental with some T.A. reviews and just pick one huh?

    Aloha from Kaua%26#39;i!

    I live and work here on the South Shore in the Po%26#39;ipu Beach Area -- in fact I work at the Grand Hyatt.

    I would recommend staying at one of the closer condo%26#39;s to the Hyatt such as Po%26#39;ipu Kai, Nihi Kai, Makahuena, Embassy -- all of these are very close to the Hyatt and all of them are also far away from the major construction zone which surrounds the opposite end of Po%26#39;ipu Road -- there are 11 projects in full swing just now and unless it won%26#39;t bother you to be around this, I%26#39;d suggest staying anywhere east of Po%26#39;ipu Beach Park -- this will keep you away from this.

    The Po%26#39;ipu Kai condos especially are very nice -- within walking distance to the Hyatt and also to Brennecke%26#39;s Beach, Po%26#39;ipu Beach Park -- if you are wanting to stay close to the Hyatt and still have amenities such as the beach -- that would be my suggestion.

    Hope this helps!

    Malama Pono,


    BI trip, how many hours needed.

    Staying at The Royal Hawaiin and really want to get to the BI to see Kilauea and the Volcanoes National Park.

    How many hours would you say is needed to see it/park and get back to Oahu. My mother in law thinks we can just fly to the BI, spend like 3hrs there and fly back and still catch the luau at 5:30.

    BI trip, how many hours needed.

    Depends on what you mean by ';see it';

    In 3 hours you could drive most of the park but no stops anywhere to do that...and you would probably have to drive the speed limit at all times.

    To even have a half way peek at the park you should take the earliest flight out of Honolulu to Hilo and the last flight back.

    Perhaps you should do this on a day other than the day you are going to a luau?

    BI trip, how many hours needed.

    Well, ';seeing it'; isn%26#39;t just a drive up experience ... there is a whole lot to see at the park and I don%26#39;t really think it%26#39;s worth it to just drive in/drive out. You%26#39;ll want to spend some time.

    Now, if you want to fly over, take a helicopter trip, and fly back, perhaps that would be an option ... then you might see the lava but you%26#39;d miss the park ... but you%26#39;d keep your time schedule.

    If you fly to the BI and spend 3 hours there, you are realistically going to get about 1 of those hours in the park ... the rest will be tied up with renting a car, driving to %26amp; fro, grabbing a bit to eat, etc.

    Either do it on a day other than the luau so you can get there in the morning (around 8 or 9) and stay until late (at least 4 to 5), do a helicopter trip and forget the park, or save it for another trip.

    Hali’I Kai

    Does anyone have any first hand information on this property in Waikoloa? I%26#39;m looking at a stay next May. Will the construction be completed by then? It likes a beautiful site...I%26#39;m lokking at Bldg 11.

    Mahalo, Harry

    Hali%26rsquo;I Kai

    I hiked past the property yesterday. The pool looks great and the units that are by the ocean look beautiful but there is still alot of construction going on. Looks like another 6 months to me for the construction to be finished .

    Hali%26rsquo;I Kai

    I just stayed in building 10 with my familiy a few weeks ago. Our unit had both an ocean and golf course view so that was an added bonus during our stay. Our unit (three bed, two bath) has brand new furnishings and appliances-again, another plus. It had more than ample room for my family of seven.

    My understanding is that construction will be completed by spring of 2008.

    If you%26#39;re interested in renting a unit in building 10, check out I%26#39;ve rented another unit through the same owner on a previous trip to the Big Island. My experience in dealing with the owner has been professional and very pleasant.

    Good luck!

    Not sure when construction will be completed, but it looked like all foundation were in, and the framing for most were up! Construction was not an inconvenience at all (we were in bldg. 15), you drive thru it upon entering property, but it%26#39;s easily passed, and it was not loud or intrusive at all. Pool and bar/grill were really great!! Grounds are about 1/2 way landscaped, and are beautiful. We used Abbey Vacation Rentals, and everything was perfect!

    Sounds great! Thank you all for your comments. We can%26#39;t wait %26#39;til next May. This will be our first trip to BI after four trips to Kauai.

    After 3 days on Hilo side, Waikoloa should be a welcome change.

    Mahalo again, Harry

    Car Rental Help: Need to pickup at airport but RT in Waikiki

    Hi there,

    Can anyone suggest a car rental company that will let me rent from the airport location and return the car in Waikiki? Thanks!


    Car Rental Help: Need to pickup at airport but RT in Waikiki

    Budget R/car has desk at Airport and 2424 Kalakaua Ave (Hyatt Regency). Can rent a compact for about $35/dy one way rental. Must be others. Just check the rental car websites and click on the key that says you will be returning the car to a different location.

    It%26#39;s a little tricky but I have found all the rental car websites have this ability, you just have to look for it. Some even have codes for different desks around the city.

    Car Rental Help: Need to pickup at airport but RT in Waikiki

    Hertz will allow you to rent from Airport and return to Waikiki, they just charge you an extra fee (about $30) for non rental point return.

    If you have luggage etc then it is worth paying the extra fee because if you return the car to the airport you will still have to get your luggage in a cab back to Waikiki cost around $35 from airpot to Waikiki.

    Hope this helps :-)

    Thanks everyone! Decided to book with Thrifty and they did allow Airport pickup and Waikiki return for $30 extra.

    dollar charges a extra 20 bucks to return in waikiki

  • cryptoapi vs capicom
  • Just a Thanks

    Just wanted to thank you all, especially Koloagirl, Janet, who has given me great advice, as well as the other local people whom I read, for sharing your expertise with us all. It%26#39;s great to have a place where advice is given with easy warmth and is dependable.

    Just a Thanks

    Aloha from Kaua%26#39;i!

    Mahalo nui ';januarygirl'; for the kind words!

    I find it fun to pop on the board during the day and see what questions are being asked -- if I think I can help -- I post an answer -- it is that simple!

    I%26#39;m glad to give tips to folks who are coming to our beautiful island for a vacation -- sometimes guide books don%26#39;t give you the whole story!

    Thank you again!

    Malama Pono,


    Just a Thanks

    I could not agree more januarygirl. My wife and I are 81 days away from visiting Kauai for the very first time and judging by all the comments on this forum we are going to have the time of our lives on the island. I have already changed my intial thoughts on a few activities just by reading for the last few days. And decided on what groups to go with on other tours. pzp, Denny and Janet really help out when trying to plan a once in a life time trip. I will be bugging them all soon when I get closer to finalizing my week, asking for their expert advice.

    Aloha all, can%26#39;t wait to enjoy your island.

    Now I just have to wait for my UKG to arrive in the mail.

    januarygirl - I have to agree with you. Out of all the forums I frequent on TripAdvisor, I think that the Kauai forum is the friendliest of them all . . . but so is Kauai! I think it really has the aloha spirit, which you will experience yourself. It%26#39;s difficult to describe, but it%26#39;s oh so true!! I as well so appreciate our TA locals who are so kind in sharing in with us all. Mahalo to you all! :)

    Aloha, I also want to express my gratitude to all the Kauai Forum contributors. I have posted questions on some of the other Hawaiian Island%26#39;s forums but I get the most warm and kind responses from the regulars on the Kauai forum. You all are a valuable resource and wonderful ambasadors of the Aloha Spirit. No wonder I%26#39;m falling even more in love with Kauai!!

    103 day and counting..........uugh!!



    Dang it !!! Every thing was fine, but now you%26#39;ve all got me counting...55 days.

    Aloha from Kaua%26#39;i!

    Please-- a%26#39;ole pilikia (no trouble!) -- just ask whatever question pops into your head -- I%26#39;ll do my best to give you my opinion.

    Malama Pono,


    Leaving tomorrow!! Any last minute tips?

    My wife and I (both in our 30%26#39;s) are leaving tomorrow for Maui for our first trip to Hawaii (Other than when I was born there). We%26#39;re staying at the Sheraton for 7 nights. Don%26#39;t really have a lot of set plans other than the Old Lahania Luau on Saturday.

    We plan on snorkeling around black rock, a drive to Hana, want to eat at Mama%26#39;s fish house and are looking for other things to do and see (both love snorkeling). We are thinking about a trip to Molokini (Trilogy?).

    We are open to any suggestions or ideas.


    Leaving tomorrow!! Any last minute tips?

    It%26#39;s worth it to go to Kapalua bay...great beach, better snorkeling, gorgeous.

    Rest, eat alot of great food, and listen to KPOA in your car.

    Leaving tomorrow!! Any last minute tips?

    Enjoy your trip and don%26#39;t forget the report when you return. Don%26#39;t forget the good snorkle spots in South Maui. Sounds like you have enough scheduled for 7 days.

    Share an early mornin cup of Kona coffee (or your drink of choice) with your wife on your lanai and take in the smells, sights and sounds of paradise. Then after a full day of doing whatever you choose, repeat :-)

    and be sure to go to the free luau in south Maui at the Marriott. Den loves it.

    I%26#39;d second the Kapalua bay recommendation... also, just north of Kapalua beach is Napili beach - another great beach to snorkel, sun etc...if you go down to the second cove, just south of the Napili Shores resort (where the Gazebo is located), there are GIANT sea turtles that hang right there in the cove. Entry is a bit tricky, but the water is calm enough to enjoy the sealife %26amp; the amazing turtles!

    After all of this activity, hit the Sea House restaurant at the Napili Kai resort right on the beach, beautiful %26amp; reasonable place for a spectacular sunset dinner!

    Don%26#39;t Overpack! It%26#39;s been said a million times and I thought I had listened. WRONG! My only complaint for my trip. ( We did move between 3 places with 2 kids)

    He%26#39;s all ready left, but to others reading. I would not overpack on shoes. Seems that most all the people especially the locals where flip flops ALL the time. Take and use sunscreen. You will burn here in a hurry. I would not recommed the new aerosols because by the time two people spray down good the can is empty. Try to chill....don%26#39;t get upset over little stuff. We found most workers in restaruants and hotels were very good at their jobs. There were a few that were SLOW. Enjoy the mountains and the sea and all the island has to offer.

  • blushed
  • Pics from my recent trip to Maui :o)

    I decided to try flickr and since I didn%26#39;t want to pay for the yearly upgrade fee they would only allow me to post 100 MB per month. I have lots more pics ut I need to wait till tomorrow June 1st to post more.

    All the underwater pics was taken with my digital camera. I bought one of those underwater pouches on ebay for $45 ... not bad.

    Enjoy everyone :)

    Pics from my recent trip to Maui :o)

    Hey bebe! Awesome photos, thanks for sharing!!

    Seeing your pic%26#39;s makes me wish I%26#39;d have taken my good camera%26#39;s insted of my daughters old junk digital !

    Pics from my recent trip to Maui :o)

    Hi bebe! What kind of camera did you use? They came out just awesome!

    I have a Canon SD630 (Just a point and shoot camera) But I bought this underwater pouch thing on ebay for it for $45 ... they have a hard case for about $200. But I figure I don%26#39;t take many pics underwater so the soft one was fine. It was hard to see the screen underwater but I just went snap happy and deleted the bad ones later.

    Thanks for sharing!! Awesome Pics!

    Thanks for posting those. The snorkel shots are great. The second set at Black Rock are really nice. Did you get there early? You had really good clarity. Had to chuckle at the Honolua shots. The Chubs mugged me when we were there also. Your Halloween fish are Orangeband surgeonfish and their yellow and blue friends are Bluestripe snappers.

    DreamingofMaui ~

    We got to Black Rock at about 10:30am. There were already tons of people there, but we managed to get a spot in the shade.

    Thank you for helping identify the real name of the fish ... now i%26#39;ll know what im looking at next time. Trust me there will be a next time!! hahah

    Crowded Labor Day?

    I%26#39;ll be in Maui 9/1-9/7, Labor day weekend extending to the next Friday. I%26#39;m thinking we are going to just do the Swim, Drink, Relax thing at our Hyatt hotel for the Labor Day weekend and then plan activities for Tue-Fri to avoid the crowds. Anyone know what it%26#39;s like during those times, Labor day weekend and the week after?

    Crowded Labor Day?

    Like most summer weekends, except the locals will be out in droves at the beaches - especially where camping is permitted - there%26#39;ll be tent%26#39;s from one end to the other!! More surfers out....loads of shore fishers etc....

    I don%26#39;t find this a problem at all, but some can be intimidated by all of the increased activity...... For me, anyday doing the Hyatt pool thing is an awesome day, so I think your plan is a great one!!

    Crowded Labor Day?

    We%26#39;ve gone to Maui Labor Day many times and, although Labor Day weekend will be more crowded, the week after is wonderful. Not too crowded at all! That%26#39;s why we like to go at that time of year. The weather is fantastic too (if you like it pretty warm, which we do). We went in March last year and the weather wasn%26#39;t that great. We did see lots of whales in March though! Is this your first trip or do you usually just go a different time of year?

    Which Hotel - Outrigger Waikiki or Embassy Suites

    It%26#39;s hard to decide by looking at the reviews. I%26#39;ll be traveling Thanksgiving week. Any suggestions on these hotels are better ones?

    Which Hotel - Outrigger Waikiki or Embassy Suites

    I%26#39;d take the Hilton Hawaiian Village over both of your choices. I stayed at the HHV and loved it. Walked around the Embassy Suites and wasn%26#39;t impressed. There%26#39;s hardly any lobby and no common areas on the 1st floor. The common areas at the HHV are beautiful. Lots of pool options at HHV, which isn%26#39;t the case at Embassy Suites. HHV was also a better deal than Embassy Suites when I traveled a few weeks ago.

    I ate in the Outrigger one morning and was glad I wasn%26#39;t staying there. It%26#39;s going through MAJOR renovations. It hardly looked habitable. Their breakfast buffet was a good deal, but I%26#39;d steer clear of this place for sleeping or staying if you%26#39;re going anytime in the next few months (at least).

    Which Hotel - Outrigger Waikiki or Embassy Suites

    Just to clarify something.

    Its the Outrigger REEF that is going through renovations, not the Outrigger Waikiki.

    From the 2 you suggested, I personally prefer the Outrigger Waikiki. It gets fantastic reviews on here and is in a great location.

  • how to cope with infidelity
  • 10 hours on the big island -- what to do?

    My wife and I are going to be on Maui for 7 days, and want to see the volcano on the Big Island too. We%26#39;d been thinking of doing a fixed wing tour from Maui ($335 pp.), or the fixed wing + heli tour ($545 pp.), but were on the fence about whether we%26#39;d see enough to justify the cost.

    Today I stumbled across $9 each way round trip tickets for us on Go! from Maui to Hilo, and booked them quick (how $18 r/t tickets end up costing $41 r/t each after taxes and fees I%26#39;m not sure, but whatever, still cheaper than the other options).

    We%26#39;re now going to be on the Big Island on Saturday, Aug. 25 from 8:09 AM to 6:53 PM. We want to see the Volcano, and whatever else it makes sense for us to catch on the Big Island while we%26#39;re there. I assume we%26#39;ll want to rent a car and drive to the Volcano National Park, but before we do that wanted to make sure I wasn%26#39;t missing some other option. For example, should we also plan on a Helicopter tour? Or, if we%26#39;re going to do a heli-tour of the VNP, should we take our remaining time on the ground and drive somewhere else, like the observatory on Mauna Kea? It could be years before we make it back to the Big Island, and I get that we can%26#39;t see it all, but what%26#39;re the can%26#39;t miss sights after the volcano?

    thanks in advance for any and all thoughts / comments.

    10 hours on the big island -- what to do?

    We are doing the same thing from Maui... when I Fly Go! came out with the $9 special yesterday, we jumped on it for a day trip. I was searching other carriers, but no luck. However, their last flight back leaves about 2:30 so we only have about 6.5 hours on the BI. Now that the other carriers have jumped on the fare sale, we would have been better taking a later flight on HA for $18 (two legs - ITO-HNL-OGG). I%26#39;m contemplating purchasing a oneway on them or just having my husband get me a standby pass for a later flight (he works for a different carrier and he has jumpseat privileges so it is just me and our lapchild who need a seat).

    As of right now we are just planning on doing what we can by car in that short amount of time, but I haven%26#39;t given up on a possible helo tour. We had also inquired about the $335 deal you mentioned as well. Our trip is in a few weeks. Several had posted some great ideas on a different thread I started yesterday about how to maximize the short time in the Hilo area.

    10 hours on the big island -- what to do?

    good thing you got a late return so you do have some time!

    The sights at VNP are completely different than the tour, so you won%26#39;t be doubling up.

    No I don%26#39;t recommend going up Mauna Kea. There%26#39;s nothing to see in the daytime at the Visitor%26#39;s Center, and if you did go to the summit you cannot look through any telescopes there. These observatories are for scientists, not the public. You would have to rent a 4WD from Harper%26#39;s and it%26#39;s a hairy drive for not that much to see.

    Go with VNP. While there are things you could add on, that%26#39;s a full day. Just take a guide book with you and if by some unlikely chance you end up having extra time take a look around Hilo or do a short drive to the north. There are enough waterfalls on Maui that I see no reason why Akaka Falls should be on your must see list. It will take you at least 90 minutes going the opposite direction from the VNP.


    Just completed my purchase to return later. :) From the time I first looked at saw the 6:40 return available, called hubby, got the okay, that flight was one ($73 now) so we got a 5:40 return. We will now be arriving Hilo 8:13 AM (same as before) but have until a 5:40 flight as opposed to our original 2:38 flight. Those three extra hours will really help. :) Yea!!!

    Warthog--our TX friend asked avery similar question and there are some suggestions for things to see on the responses to that posting.

    If you don%26#39;t have a young child with you, one possibility that will take about 2 hours is the Kilauea Iki loop hike....around the crater, down 400 feet, across the crater floor, back up. Very neat if you are u for it and carry water.

    If you do the heli tour at the beginning of your visit, I thinik the park is still worth seeing--the lava tube, Devastation trail, etc. But if you would rather see soemthign else then going north of Hilo for a waterfall or garden is an option. But watch your time!

    I spent 5 weeks on the Big Island last year so have an idea of what you can do in the time you have. Where does the flights you are taking land? In Hilo? If so the drive to the Volcano Park isn%26#39;t too far from there and you can enjoy a nice drive, visit the highlights of the park, have lunch and drive back to Hilo. There have an outdoor market you might want to browse but it is mostly food.

    We took the helicopter tour from the Hilo airport and they did a great job, we really enjoyed it. I think we paid about $225 each person for our tour. Depending on how much time you spend in the Volcano Park you might be able to do the helicopter tour as well in the afternoon - check out available flight times on the websites of the different companies - I am trying to remember the name of the one we used as they were really good but it escapes me right now.

    Thanks, Honu Ohana. I somehow missed TX%26#39;s thread while searching for answers to my questions. I%26#39;ve seen it now, though, and it does look like there%26#39;s a lot to do at the park that is different from what we might see from a helicopter, so I think we%26#39;ll plan to do both

    I actually went ahead and booked a helicopter tour, a 50 minute one that goes to the volcano and falls above Hilo. It is with Paradise, and leaves at 9:30 AM from the airport in Hilo, with an 8:45 check-in. It is $170 pp after internet discount, and seems like perfect timing given our scheduled arrival. The only option we have is whether we want them to take the doors off the helicopter. It is an extra $25 pp to go without doors. Looks really neat to me, but my wife might not go for it. Can anyone offer pros and cons of the tour with or without doors? Also, they use one of the Hughes 550 helicopters (a la Magnum PI); is this a bad choice, as most folks seem to say you want an A Star or Ecostar?

    We should be back on the ground by 10:45, and able to pick up our rental car. From the other thread, it seems like we could get to the park as early as about noon, and plan to leave the park by 4:30 or 5 PM. I doubt it%26#39;ll be hard to kill 5 hours in such an interesting place, so it sounds like it will be a volcano day for us.

    What%26#39;s the best bet for lunch between the Hilo airport and the park? Something good and fast, maybe even that we could take with us and eat in the car? I don%26#39;t think we%26#39;ll have time for dinner; is there any food in the airport in Hilo?

    Thanks again for everyones%26#39; quick input.

    no food worth calling that in Hilo airport, but easy to grab to go food on way out of town.

    I don%26#39;t eat fast food franchise, but if you do, the Puainako Town Center has everything.

    There%26#39;s a more island style Food Court in the Walmart Shopping Center. Waiakea Food Court, tucked back in the corner by Office Max.

    Safeway deli makes sandwiches and a lady there makes sushi daily. We have a good Safeway.

    If you can bother to learn a less obvious route through downtown Hilo, O%26#39;Keefe and Sons has choice sandwiches, drinks, and bakery goodies.

    I know nothing about helo trips, sorry!

    If you want specific directions to any of these places, I can provide them.

    IWe went in a Highes 500 one time and another with Bue Hawaiian in a fancier chopper. We actually liked the Hughes better because it is smaller and had fewer people (it turned out to be just the pilot and us, but I think they can take 3 or 4 passengers) Be aware they seat you by weight to balance the aircraft so you may not be seated next to each other. The view was fine. The guy did doors off; it was OK and not scary but I was used to helis. Downside was it was hot (no A/C). The door off is better for taking pictures.

    The Blue Hawaiian was fancier with A/C and music and all but there were some seats in the middle of the row that probably did not have great visibility--again, they put you where they want you and you don%26#39;t get to pick.

    We did doors off on May 15, 2007. We did not bring jackets -- big mistake! Actually cold other than over the volcano area where we truely could ';feel the heat';.

    Doors off was most fun over the active lava area (about 15 to 20 minutes of your airtime). It is amazing enough to see into the vent and the tube opening from the air, but to have nothing between you and what you see as the helicopter banked was almost surreal.

    It%26#39;s not really anymore scarry with the doors off than with the doors on (did doors on in Kauai on another trip -- Kauai was pretty amazing and more beauty than Big Island, but the volcano itself is also simply amazing). But it is WINDY as you are flying at 100 to 110 mph (think of a car with no doors driving at that speed).

    Have fun no matter what you did.


    Kaua'i Councilc passes ';No More Big Box Stores'; resolution.

    Aloha from Kaua%26#39;i!

    This is not intended to start a debate pro and con big box stores -- but simply to let visitors know that while we do have KMart, WalMart, HomeDepot and Costco -- these will be the last of the Big Box Stores on the island.

    Our County Council voted unanimously in favor of the resolution to not permit any more big box stores in excess of 75,000 sq.

    Malama Pono,


    Kaua'i Councilc passes ';No More Big Box Stores'; resolution.

    Our County Council voted unanimously in favor of the resolution to not permit any more big box stores in excess of 75,000 sq.

    OH BOY.......they may find they%26#39;ve boxed themselves into a corner and may need to reword this if they want it to be effective. This has happened in many places of the country. Local governments make such stipulations based on square footage. So the stores then decide to build their scaled-down ';mini-box'; stores. This is a common move when these square footage restrictions are put into place.

    Kaua'i Councilc passes ';No More Big Box Stores'; resolution.

    Koloagirl wrote:

    Our County Council voted unanimously in favor of the resolution to not permit any more big box stores in excess of 75,000 sq.

    That really is sad, think of all the jobs that will be lost. Do any of the locals that post here know people that work at any of these ';big box'; stores. Do we know why the County Council voted against it? I wonder if with all the building going on on the South and I will assume that within time the West side will start the same construction that the need for Bigger boxed stores will be needed.


    Aloha from Kaua%26#39;i!

    As a full-time resident I do indeed know what the situation is currently at our local big box store - Costco.-- my husband works there -- I shop at Costco -- our Costco is ALWAYS desperately short-handed in employees and has been since shortly after they opened. Of all of the mainland folks that they transferred over here to ';live in Paradise'; over half of them have transferred back to the mainland.

    Many departments are constantly short handed because they simply can%26#39;t find enough workers to fill their slots.

    Our unemployment is at an all time low -- employers are finding it harder and harder to fill postiions that they need to fill -- offering cash bonuses if emloyees will stick it out say six months or a year.

    Many of the big construction projects here on the South Shore have had to hire off-island workers to fill their employment slots.

    I do indeed shop at Costco, Walmart and occasionally KMart -- but as a resident I am happy to see that there will be no more big box stores on our island. Don%26#39;t we have enough?

    The reason the Council gave in the article in the paper was ';to preserve the rural nature of the island'; saying that big box stores were more suited to urban areas that were closeby freeways and large urban centers. I fully agree with their statement.

    While I am not going to ';slam'; the ones we have by any means -- I am also happy to see that we won%26#39;t be inundated with more and more airplane hangar size buildings in our towns.

    Malama Pono,


    There are plenty of beautiful, scenic areas on the mainland that feel the same about big box stores--believe it or not, there is actually a fight being waged against one being built less than 3 miles from where I reside. Imagine that--and in a suburb of a reasonably sized ';urban area';!---again, you are not alone on that one.

    1. Reminds one of the saying about ';closing the barn doors after the horses have already escaped.';

    The major players you are going to find in Hawaii are already there, having long-recognized the opportunity in the neighbor island communities. They just got to Kauai last. About all that would be left to potentially snag would be a Target....Lowe%26#39;s isn%26#39;t in an expanding mood, not sure 64,000 consumers are enough for a Sports Authority, any computer or office superstore, etc....

    2. Funny, as busy as the stores are on every island, not once have I seen an employee standing on the street with a gun forcing shoppers inside....they come willingly in droves to spend their hard earned money; its called ';voting with your pocketbook';. They like the products for the price.

    3. By artifically (through zoning codes) not allowing the freedom for such stores to expand into new territories you are effectively ';taxing'; the consumer by not allowing him to purchase products at the lowest possible prices. In example, if you keep Costco out of an area, the consumers must often pay higher prices for the same amount, typically in the $100s annually for most Hawaii residents, which could be considered as type of extra cost (or ';tax';) imposed by government mandate.

    Alternatively, it could be viewed as a type of ';subsidy'; to existing businesses. By not allowing larger, more efficient stores to compete in the market, they are propping up (';subsidizing';) smaller, less efficient businesses, allowing them to charge higher prices to the local consumer withour fear of competition.

    4. Given the extreme costs of housing and so many other things on Kauai these days, most local families can use a break wherever possible. Big box retailers have provided that break through meaningful savings.

    My son was just laid off his job here in St. Louis, so I forwarded Koloagirls message to him about Costco being short handed. Who knows, maybe he%26#39;ll apply there and I can go to Kauai more often to visit him! :)

    $11-12 bucks/hr at Costco is still a starvation wage here. Even the TSA is paying more like $15-17.

    Regarding this thread in general though. How does this info serve a tourist planning a vacation in the near future? It might be interesting on a political blog but really isn%26#39;t terribly useful for travelers. If there%26#39;s a vote, I say we keep Tripadvisor for travel related items instead of this sort of news. People can read the Garden Island on line if they want the news.

    I personally don%26#39;t mind these kinds of threads and if a person doesn%26#39;t want to bother with it they should be able to tell by the title and just move on.

    What I find amusing though is how the initial post usually starts out with something like ';I dont want to start a debate or anything....';. Well, OF COURSE that is the intent. Why else would a thread be started about things topics like this?

    It%26#39;s all good though. Like I say, can make for some interesting reading. But let%26#39;s just be honest about it.

    I take it as it read----just informing the interested. I often do check the Kauai newspaper, but not everyday. So tidbits of info like this are interesting to me.

    How's the weather in January?

    Going to Visit the Hawaiian Islands in Jan 08. How is the weather? Rainy???? Warm?????


    How's the weather in January?

    We were there this past January for three weeks %26amp; it never rained. It was absolutely beatiful!! Nice %26amp; hot! My freinds just left today for Maui %26amp; I%26#39;m so jealous! I like to go somewhere tropical every winter, its always nice to have a tropical destination in the future! Maybe we%26#39;ll see you there in January! I have met up with Trip Advisor members in Mexico before, small world.

    How's the weather in January?

    Thank you sooo much, I will make my reservations TODAY!!!!!!

    Aloha! Some islands do get more rain in the winter time than during other times of the year, as well as some parts of each island are wetter. Each island has its own microclimate, so there is always a drier side. I was in Maui about 4 years ago in January - had a wild storm one of our first nights in Lahaina - rain, thunder %26amp; lightening. Was great to see, but it wrecked the snorkeling for about a week due to the runoff. However, most of the time we had fabulous weather . . . 70%26#39;s %26amp; 80%26#39;s with lots of glorious sunshine - no competition with most of the weather on the mainland that time of year. If you really want the sunshine, it%26#39;s generally safer to choose the southern/western side of an island in Hawaii. Happy Travels! :)

    Can%26#39;t imagine where islands was last January that there was no rain -- maybe Big island? We are in South Maui every February (for many years). We always expect to have some days of rain, wind, cool weather. Our regular January guests are big golf fans. This year they were rained out every day attending the Mercedes tournament in Kapalua. (Not unusual.)

    I would not plan to stay north on either Kauai or Oahu in January. On Maui I wouldn%26#39;t stay %26#39;way north (Kapalua); Lahaina should be OK and South Maui more so. Big Island is nice all over in January. There is even some history that relates that the ali%26#39;i (royalty) on Kauai spent summers in the north and winters in the south.

    If you like to look over averages and normals for the various islands (like weather geeks like me), then you can check out the National Weather Site for Hawaii. We usually go in January (when the weather is worst in Minnesota) and are always are very happy with the weather. Here is the site:

    We were there this past January during the first week in the Lahana area and had absolutely no rain. It was sunny and beautiful, but unfortunately weather is fickle so you%26#39;re always taking a chance especially in the winter. We also went to Kauai which is normally wetter in the winter and occasionally we had light sprinkles but we had packed light hooded plastic coats that worked well that we would bring out for a few minutes just for a couple of times. We stayed in Poipu there. It is normally wetter up north in Kauai in winter. I read that el nino might have kept things a little drier this year though. Well good luck on your trip and I%26#39;am sure you%26#39;ll mostly have good weather. They say if it%26#39;s raining on one side of the island it%26#39;s generally dry on the other so just go sightseeing. :-)

  • blushed
  • 2 Centre Hawaii

    We are planning a 2 centre holiday to Hawaii next April. Originally we wanted to rent a place on the beach but I think we will have to do a package tour as it is quite a trek from the UK.

    We fly to LA and stay overnight, we are then flown to Honolulu and the hotel is the Hilton Hawaiian Village Beach Resort %26amp; Spa - apparently this has 22 restaurants, sounds more like a Vegas hotel! We then have a choice of Sheraton Kauai Resort on Kauai or the Hilton Kauai Beach Resort. Can anyone help me decide on this?

    We also have the choice of Maui instead of Kauai where we could stay at the Royal Lahaina Resort in the tower or the Maui Prince Hotel. Should we do Maui or Kauai? We are both aged 50.

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    2 Centre Hawaii

    Hi, English lady -- I am assuming 2-centre holiday means you will stay in 2 places? New term for me -- you might try another topic for your post, as I think other regulars might not know what this means either!

    Anyway -- Hilton Hawaiian Village is nice ... it is at the far end of Waikiki but a good location ... I didn%26#39;t realize it had 22 restaurants but it is not much like a Vegas hotel other than size ... it is very open-air with most of the common areas outside. I think you will like it ... although Waikiki is very busy (maybe a bit like Vegas!) ... always crowded and the traffic is a bit crazy at times. But that said, it is a must see for any Hawaii first-timer.

    As for Kauai or Maui, I think it depends on what you like to do ... In both Kauai and Maui you are going to want a car. On Maui you might be able to get by without one if you stay at the Royal Lahaina, but Kauai is nearly impossible w/o a car.

    Kauai is more of an outdoor-lovers paradise -- lots of places to hike, explore, great beaches, etc. Maui has the same but also a lot more touristy areas like Lahaina (old whaling village with lots of shops -- charming but busy), Wailea (nicest resorts, shops, restaurants, etc) and Kaanapali (most of the nicer chain hotels (Westin, Sheraton, etc), great beach, shops, etc)

    On Kauai, the Hilton is a newly-refurbished property -- nice but not anything like the resort feel of the Hilton Hawaiian Village. Its location is great, as it is in the middle of the island and convenient to both the north and south shores. There is no swimming beach on property (although there is a rocky beach area) but Lydgate state park is nearby, even within walking distance, I think, and is a very nice beach. The grounds at the Hilton are nice and well maintained. The Sheraton is in Poipu, I think, which is more of a resort area, and does have a swimming beach. It%26#39;s a little more of a resort than the Hilton.

    On Maui, I haven%26#39;t stayed at either hotel you mention. The Royal Lahaina is near the Kaanapali resort area -- great beaches here. You will be within walking distance of Whaler%26#39;s Village. They also have a shuttle to Lahaina. It%26#39;s been refurbished, per these boards -- check out the reviews. Maui Prince is south ... this is more of a resort hotel ... the beaches in south Maui are great. However, I don%26#39;t think you%26#39;d be in walking distance of anything outside the hotel.

    Good luck, have fun -- keep asking questions ... you can get great advice on these boards.

    2 Centre Hawaii

    The Sheraton Kauai beach is really nice.....small but a perfect crescent and great for swimming and playing in the waves. We like the area that the Sheraton is in better than the Hilton because it is in Poipu which is the sunnier (and drier, so less lush) side of the island. Kauai is small enough that it is easy to drive the entire island in a day.

    Thank you both for your help.

    There has been a slight change of plan. My tour operator was able to just book my flights and stopovers in LA therefore we do not have to stay in hotels. We are looking to rent a house on the north shore in Oahu for a week and rent a condo on Kauai for a further 6 nights.

    Which coast on Kauai is best? Not sure that I want to go to the popular south. We will hire a car on both islands.

    If either of you have recommendations for this they would be much appreciated.

    Don%26#39;t worry too much about Kauai. Granted, the south (Poipu) and east (Lihue, Kapaa) sides have more tourists, but they are still not REAL touristy, as long as you stay away from the large hotels.

    The south side is drier, therefore less lush (but still plenty of greenery and palms), but a much better guarantee of sunshine. The south side is swimmable and snorkel-able all year round.

    The north side has more rain, and thus is much more lush. Green green green! Beautiful waterfalls, green jungly type lushness, all against a backdrop of mountains. Very beautiful. But in the winter months you dare not hardly stick a toe in the water, the waves and currents are THAT bad. In the summer, many of the beaches have swimming and good snorkelling, but some are still non-swimmable due to dangerous currents.

    Either side you will want a car. Either side you can easily visit the other side.

    The south and east side have more restaurants, but none of Kauai really has a huge number of restaurants (not like on Maui, which is very developed).

    My whole-hearted suggestion would be to find this book

    THE ULTIMATE KAUAI GUIDEBOOK by Andrew Doughty and harriett Friedman which you can get at this website or at and then read through it on the different areas of the island and see which grabs you the most. Kauai has several different climates, even though it is a small island, and everyone has their favorite.

    I would think if you will be on the North Shore of Oahu, the North Shore of Kauai (especially the western part of the North Shore, near Hanalei) would be an excellent contrast.

    Thanks DrDebi will certainly look out for the Kauai guide book and I am thinking that it may be nice to be in the sun for a week as maybe the north shore of Oahu will be slightly cooler.

    Will definitely hire a car on both islands so that we can get around. It%26#39;s such a long way from here that we want to see all of it, just in case we never venture that way again, although I think this is highly unlikely as it all sounds so lovely.

    Maybe someone else can help you with this, but I remember the North Shore of Oahu being on the drier side. But it%26#39;s been quite a few years since I%26#39;ve been there. If I remember right, NS of Oahu is flatter and drier, a lot like the south side of Kauai, so you might be very happy to have the difference between the two places you stay. The north shore of Kauai is truly breathtaking. You won%26#39;t feel like you%26#39;re in England anymore! The nice thing is, if it DOES rain on the NS, and it%26#39;s not raining on the SS of Kauai, you can hop in the car and drive south and in about an hour be on the South side.

    I would definitely go with renting a condo its much cheaper than a hotel.

    Check out for listings.

    Also its easy to book your own flights and condos seperately if your tour operator is more expensive than doing it yourself, as they often are.

    Oh and make sure you get an airmiles card for whoever you are flying with, or for an airline you would like to use your miles with in the future, if the airline is part of the One World alliance.

    We went to Hawaii for our honeymoon in Aprill. Got married at Bellagio in Las Vegas. We chose Honolulu staying at Royal Hawaiian followed by Sheraton in Maui. Royal Hawaiian lovely hotel but over-rated. Hilton Hawaiian Village looked lovely and we would probably stay there next time. Either that or the Sheraton Moana Surfrider. Oahu is very Americanised and touristy so don%26#39;t expect beautiful isolated beaches etc. That said we did enjoy it. Maui is a very different island. Sheraton was nice and yes I would recommend it. Hotel needs updated a bit but view to beach was good as was pool. Maui was very very quiet - be prepared to early mornings and early nights.

    Um, I%26#39;m not sure you can say Oahu is very ';Americanized'; IS America.

    I think what you mean is that Oahu IN THE HONOLULU/WAIKIKI area is very urban. It is a major urban area and feels that way (except it has a beach, which makes it more fun).

    The east side, west side, and north shore of Oahu are much less developed.

    Kauai is much less developed. There are plenty of rural areas. The tourist/city areas cluster around Lihue/Kapaa (the most developed, but still a definite small town feeling) , Poipu (smaller development), and to a lesser extent Princeville and Hanalei.

    Maui ranges from EXTREMELY developed (the entire coast from West Maui to South Maui at Wailea) to completely rural (more of the north shore and then stretching down the east side and the southern part, and pretty much everything inland).

    Kauai is short on crazy nightlife, but high on active daytime fun.

    For shopping and eating out, you%26#39;ll like Maui and Oahu best.

    If you%26#39;re outdoorsy, rural Maui and Kauai are tops (OK, throw in the Big Island too).

    Once you know what your ideal vacation is (city or country? hiking or shopping?...) you can pick the area that best suits your wants.

    Hope this helps!

    We had a condo at Hanalei Bay Resort, and absolutely loved the views and the quiet atmosphere. Our 1-bedroom was a studio with living room and kitchen with bath, and adjoining bedroom and 2nd bath. The furnishings were tropical, although dated in design, but everything was very clean. There is a nice pool , and wonderful bar and restaurant on-site as well. We used the grills and enjoyed shopping locally and trying the fantastic local fish etc.

    As for the Royal Lahaina Resort -it%26#39;s got a great location on a quiet part of Kaanapali Beach , and the Maui Prince is in a more secluded part of the island , in South Maui. It has an almost-private , quiet beach. Both are either good, or near good snorkeling spots.

    It%26#39;s hard to pick between Maui and Kauai, as I love them both- so we have been alternating!

    Have a great trip !


    Hi: I was wondering about the lava viewing? I have read you cannot see it at all and I have read that you can go on a hike (although strenueous) at night and ';just follow the rest of the people'; and see plenty? Can anyone clarify me on this topic? Which one is it? Also, we are debating on spending one or two nights in Volcano after visiting Kona. Is two nights too long? Thank you!~gayle


    It%26#39;s a 3-4 miles hike over hard lava from the end of the road to get to about a mile from the area of the active lava flow. Call the VNP before you go, the activity is mostly underground now. I certainly would spend a night there.


    depends on how you define ';see plenty.'; Would I stumble over lava for four miles at night to see a glow that%26#39;s a mile away. No way. Other people are wildly enthusiastic.

    To get the current scoop, go to the VNP home page and call the daily update number. The recording gives lots of info.

    For a written update on the flows, go to the USGS site on VNP. The NPS site hasn%26#39;t done a flow update since last August (last time I checked).

    Read the NPS info on Viewing Lava though, for sure.

    If the lava is mostly underground now, is it worth it to take a helicopter ride over the volcano? We have been in a helicopter many times so the only reason we would go would be to see the volcano.

    I don%26#39;t take helo tours, but I think they fly so that you can look into the vent, which is not accessible on foot, then there%26#39;s the point where lava enters the ocean.

    Surface breakouts between vent and ocean vary from week to week, day to day and can%26#39;t be predicted, only observed.

    Encourage you to contact the helo tour and ask them what you can expect to see. Basically I believe in the direct approach. I ask the tour operator for that kind of info. I ask other travelers stuff I wouldn%26#39;t hear from the operator, like whether they are fun, polite, on time, reliable, etc..

    No one knows better than the guy who flies it day in and day out what you can expect to see.

    I just got back from the Big Island and Maui. We drove from Kona to Hilo, then did the night hike to try to see lava, spent the night in Hilo, and went back to the park the next day to see everything else (craters, Thurston lava tube, etc.) Here%26#39;s what we experienced and learned. The hike is now over 9 miles round trip. The park says it%26#39;s 4 1/2 miles to get to the last beacon. There are 7 of them I think, and you use them as a guide on the way back in the dark. We kept hiking past the last beacon to a sign that said not to go any further. Most of the people around us stopped there as well. From that point, all we could see was steam in the very far distance. There was still way over 1/4 mile to go until the water. Even with binoculars, all we could see was steam. Some guys kept going to the edge. On the way back they had said that some of the ground was still soft, so we%26#39;re glad we didn%26#39;t go that far. They said that even at the edge, they didn%26#39;t see any lava glowing - just steam. The owner of our B%26amp;B told us the next day that 17 acres had dropped off into the water just last week - so it was a really good think we didn%26#39;t risk going further. After sunset, we could see a faint glow from the crater in the distance which was neat. We also saw a spec of glow on the ground but we weren%26#39;t sure if it was a beacon or lava. One guy who we passed who has seen lava there in the past said it was probably lava. He said depending on the flow and wind, sometimes you can see lava in the distance. It just depends. The park rangers don%26#39;t really tell you anything since everything is always changing. You just have to go and try it for yourselves. The recording doesn%26#39;t say much either. The best thing to do is ask around!

    We did hear there is a different hike from outside of the park. You park at the end of a road and take a 1 hour hike, and you are more likely to see lava there. So if you are going, just ask around...But don%26#39;t just ask the park rangers. They want to keep you inside the park so they probably won%26#39;t tell you the other way. A couple we met on the hike had met someone who did the other hike the day before and saw glowing lava.

    A few notes on the hike - It took us almost 5 hours total. The terrain is up and down and very tricky in the dark. Wear hiking boots or very good all-terrain shoes. Head lamps (or LED lanterns) are much more effective than old fashioned flashlights. Bring water and food - you might get hungry as we did since we started at 4:30 and got back at 9:15ish. We won%26#39;t do the hike again. It really wasn%26#39;t worth it. But we%26#39;re also glad we didn%26#39;t dish out tons of money to take a helicopter ride either. I saw pictures from a guy who took one and the only glow he saw was when they went over the crater, and it really wasn%26#39;t that much either.

    Bumping this up--thanks for the candid posting about the nature of the ';walk'; to see the lava and what was visible. So many questions come up about this and it%26#39;s so useful to have up-to-date first-hand info!

    ditto, I%26#39;m glad Honu_Ohana bumped this because I meant to say how useful your report was!


    What night did you hike the lava? My husband and I hiked part of it the night of 5/25, but stopped at beacon #6. Reports of people coming back said they hadn%26#39;t seen anything, and we were becoming anxious in the diminished light. Just wondering if you may have been there the same night? I%26#39;d be glad to hear we truly didn%26#39;t miss anything.

    The hike from the other side of the park is about one hour each way from the parking area to surface flow. This was on 5/15/07.

    There are tons of caveots in the risk of injury in doing the hike. Add to that the ';road'; ends and you have to drive a mile or two on what would best be described as a one lane gravel road up and down lava flow with lots of holes -- i.e. in a rental car if you get stuck or your car is damaged you probalbly have a big bill.

    Plus the parking area has had break-ins.

    We did the hike with a guide we hired for the day. So it was his car, and he could ';safely'; guide us over the flow during the hike. I say safe from the standpoint that he could not prevent an accident, but he definately has much more knowledge of safe areas to hike. We went no where near the ocean entry areas, where risks are even higher.

    This whole area of hiking to surface flow is controversial on this board -- so I%26#39;m not looking to get into all of this again.

    But for my wife and I, hiking to the surface flow and observing it was very much worth our time and the the inherent risk of the activity.

    If you click on my profile, you will find a couple of the hundreds of pictures my wife took.


    woooowhhhh the photos are amazing aafflyer!

  • should she tell someone
  • similar to Kona Village

    Any properties on any island that are all inclusive. We love Kona Village but would like to try something new. Thank you in advance.

    similar to Kona Village

    Don;t think so...KVR is perhaps the only one.

    Lewers Street

    Does anyone know if the Lewers street project has been completed? If so, can you tell me what is it like?


    Lewers Street

    It%26#39;s a little like Vegas now ;-)

    Seriously, it%26#39;s all cleaned up %26amp; seems pretty much finished. Just a bunch of fancy shopping and new hotels. They got rid of things like the fruit store, funky bakeries, plate lunch places, etc.

    Lewers Street

    We walked past there and checked things out during our visit to Waikiki last month. I have a sentimental attachment to how it used to be. When we made our first trip to Hawaii in 1996 (eventually getting married on Maui), we stayed at what was then called the Outrigger Village, which then became the Ohana Waikiki Village and is now part of the Embassy Suites Beachwalk (I may have missed one name change there...heh heh). I have fond memories of everything being all jammed in, the too-narrow sidewalk, but you know, the place had character. It had a neat feel to it. We still really liked walking down Lewers Street when we returned six years later, stopping in that quiet bar at the Ohana Waikiki Village, kicking back and enjoying a few drinks. Now it seems sterile to me, and I miss how it was.



    I agree that Lewers has lost its admirable quirky character due to redevelopment, but it had been in a declining state since the late 1970s, becoming ';uneconomic'; and undesirable for many.

    By the time ground was broken for Outrigger%26#39;s Beach Walk, there were several decrepit and vacant buildings in the neighborhood, others with severe system problems, none with requisite ADA or similar facilities, and a few obviously at the end of their economic life.

    It badly needed redevelopment, and Waikiki and State tourism badly needed it to be redeveloped. Outrigger should be applauded for undertaking the multi-decade effort to acquire, plan, finance and build the new project....helping to insure the vitality of the District for another three or four decades.

    It was tough losing the Lewers Red Lion, but they have since bought out the bar near the UH which we have been hanging at for 28 years so the old Waikiki crowd is still around. And, the Yard House beer bar %26amp; grill that is now in their location on Lewers is pretty darn good.

    With the land value at about $400 per square foot and much of the rest of Waikiki undergoing upgrades in response to the post-9/11 recovery and boom, there really just wasn%26#39;t a choice anymore.

    Yeah, I understand those reasons and agree with them, Amberloo. It%26#39;s just that sometimes I like things how they once were and this was a special place for us, being the first hotel we stayed at in Hawaii.

    I was listening to a song by the Brothers Cazimero yesterday entitled ';Ain%26#39;t No Big Thing'; and at the end of the song, they reminisce about the ';old'; Waikiki; driving both ways on Kalakaua, etc. It brought a smile to my face because the Waikiki they described was a Waikiki I never had the chance to know. Wish I could have :)


    The fruit stand moved to the Imperial Hotel. Their entrance is scross from the Halekulani Hotel on Kalia Road.

    Don%26#39;t blink --- you%26#39;ll miss the entrance.

    oh thank you thank you! i loved that little shop. i%26#39;ll make note so i can find it next trip.

    Thanks all for the info. Last time I was there it was still under construction. It will fun to walk thru there and see the changes.

    Need Help...what area should i stay in Maui???

    single mom... traveling with my 2 girls(ages 11 %26amp; 15) to Maui in 2 weeks... on a budget for 3 nights!

    Have not decided in what area to stay...need help!

    looking for a peaceful, safe, clean condo...does not have to be right on the beach but would like to have close access to beach.

    Most important ...need to decide what area to stay??? Plan to see waterfalls, visit volcanos, and drive some of the road to Hana.

    Thank you in advance...


    Need Help...what area should i stay in Maui???

    Well, Liz, you are asking a Maui question on the Honolulu board. Maybe if you go to the Maui board you%26#39;ll get a bunch of answers. Good luck. Chuck...

    Need Help...what area should i stay in Maui???

    To answer your question anyhow - for a condo with little ones I would look in the Kihei area. Since it sounds like you are going to have a car, you could drive to the places you mentioned as they are in the more ';wet'; areas of Maui. West Maui - Kapalua in particular - is the area we prefer and were married in, but not quite budge. However, you can find condos for a reasonable price on

    Lots of luck. Post your questions on the Maui board and be sure to use the seach box to search for prior posts on things you are interested in. For example put ';Road to Hana'; in the search box and get ready to read a lot of great opinions and responses.

    We stayed at Kaanapali Villas. These are very nice and right on the beach.