Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Super Bowl

Looking for a great place to watch the SB. Staying at Ritz in Kapulua. Any suggestions would be great! Any Chicago establishments would even be better!! Thx much.


Super Bowl

I can%26#39;t help you with your question, but...


Super Bowl

Coming out of forum retirement once again, to say:


If I remember correctly, the Maui Brewing Co. seemed to have a lot of TV%26#39;s in the bar. It%26#39;s in the Kahana Gateway Center. The food was good, I remember that correctly!

haven%26#39;t been;s in Kahului...perhaps someone with firsthand experience could chime in?

Try the Rusty Harpoon in Whalers Village. Tons of TV%26#39;s. Food is just ok, IMO, but great views of the ocean while your watching the game.

Would like some firsthand experience...I%26#39;m reading bad reviews on the Rusty Harpoon. Would like something that has outside area too if possible...Ale House looked like all inside. Thanks for the help.

Crap, I just realized I will be on the plane during the Superbowl. We don%26#39;t arrive in Maui until 5pm on February 4th.


Try Moose%26#39;s in Lahaina. I have to say that I really think you should stay in your condo though since you won%26#39;t like the outcome(lol).

I did see something on another website that I thought was cute. You won%26#39; belive this but the person who wrote this said it was heard on a Chicago radio station.

Colts stands for:







two yrs ago, i watched the miami heat tank Game 7 of the Eastern conf finals to Detroit at the hotel that has the penguins/flamingos in Kaanapali.

it was in a great var setting; outdoors under a hut, great drinks, and two plasma tv%26#39;s shaded from the sun.

if you%26#39;re not a Prince fan (and I dont know who really is anymore), you can go walk the grounds at halftime. does anyone know if Janet Jackson is doing halftime shows anymore?

i am sure someone knows which hotel this;s one of the biggies.

it was in a great var setting;

make that great BAR setting

  • wrinkles
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